Saturday, 12 January 2013

IKEA - Making of do LEDscape in PORTUGAL

The holiday season shined a little brighter this year, at least in Lisbon, Portugal, courtesy of a bright light installation for IKEA at the Centro Cultural de Belém. Designed by the Portugal-based architecture and design studio LIKEarchitects, the installation combined 1,200 LEDARE lamps affixed to 1,200 HEMMA floor bases. Aiming to introduce the new LEDARE bulb to the public, the LEDscape became an interactive maze, inviting visitors to explore the pulsating, foreign landscape.


"Kinetic Rain" Changi Airport Singapore

German design studio ART+COM have completed the Kinetic Rain art installation for the departure hall of Terminal 1 at Changi Airport in Singapore.

“Kinetic Rain” is composed of two parts, each consisting of 608 rain droplets made of lightweight aluminum covered with copper. Suspended from thin steel ropes above the two opposing escalators, each droplet is moved precisely and seemingly floating by a computer-controlled motor hidden in the halls ceiling. The drops follow a 15-minute, computationally designed choreography where the two parts move together in unison, sometimes mirroring, sometimes complementing, and sometimes responding to each other.


"Kinetic Rain" Changi Airport Singapore from ART+COM on Vimeo.

Meera Sky Garden House in Singapore

Meera Sky Garden House
The large multi layered four storey house tries its best to break down the volume into human scale spaces with interaction with gardens and greenery at all levels.

Architects:  Guz Architects 
Projects Name: The Meera House
Location: island of Sentosa in Singapore

Superbude St Pauli by Dreimeta

Dreimeta have designed a second Superbude hotel/hostel in Hamburg, Germany. The St Pauli location follows their other St Georg location, and shares its distinctive eclectic design.