The Malaysian artist Hong Yi is back with a new project on instagram: it recreates the exotic birds using flower petals. Work in line with its edible tables that it uses seemingly mundane materials and sublime. A great series to discover images.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Geometric Labyrinth of Lights
Porsche Installation
The artist and designer Gerry Judah has created this impressive sculpture propelling three iconic cars of Porsche installed 35 meters high in the sky. Porsche commissioned by Great Britain for 50 years of the Porsche 911, discover the installation section
Projection Mapping on Trees
With this new "Cambodian Trees" series, the French photographer Clement Briend wanted to illustrate the importance of spirituality and the place of nature in the Cambodian culture through beautiful evening screenings. The whole is to discover images in the following section.
Sound Of Honda
Tribute to Ayrton Senna during the Grand Prix of Japan in 1989, the latest commercial for Honda recalls the exact movements of the latter with the help of hundreds of speakers and lighting. The absence of cars on the Suzuka circuit adds both the strangeness and solemnity to this realization
HOLHO: hologram generator for smartphone and tablet
You know those digital picture frames that display a slideshow of your favorite photos? Well this takes that same concept and actually makes it cool. HOLHO is a hologram generator for your smartphone or tablet that uses a reflective pyramid shape to project incredible 3D images.
Available in 5 different styles, HOLHO projects an ever-growing selection of amazing 360 degree pictures. Looks like the future is finally here.
Give Them Support
Manifest Station: A Transparent Utility Box Painted by Mona Caron
This fun piece was painted by illustrator and muralist Mona Caron on Duboce Avenue at Church Street in San Francisco. Titled Manifest Station, the small mural was painted on a standard utility box and has to be viewed from a specific spot so that the horizon lines of the artwork match those of the actual intersection. As an added bonus, a mural in the background which was repainted in part on the utility box is actually an older piece by the same artist. Caron is currently working on a surprisngly great series of weeds and just painted a giant wildflower in Union City.
Kaleidoscopic Floor Installations Made of Mirrors, Crystals and Glass by Suzan Drummen
In an act of patience and precision that boggles the mind, Dutch artist Suzan Drummen creates sparkling floor installations using an array of individually placed mirrors, crystals, chromed metal, optical glass and precious stones. That’s right, the thousands of objects in each of her artworks are placed and stacked by hand and sit completely loose during the exhibition.
The fractal-like patterns in each installation form a sort of temporary 3D carpet that alters the space in which its installed by reflecting light in all directions. But even the slightest disturbance, an accidental step or dropped object, could send pieces from the unprotected installation flying, a true testament to the artist’s trust in the viewer.
A Historic Staircase in Caltagirone, Sicily Used as a Backdrop for Light and Flower Festivals
Built in 1608, the Staircase of Santa Maria del Monte is a 142-step staircase in Caltagirone, Sicily made from thousands of ceramic tiles, one design per step, as a fitting tribute to a city known for its design and production of ceramics and terra-cotta sculptures. For centuries the stairs have been used as a backdrop for various festivals for which images of patron saints and other local themes are illustrated using thousands of flowers or candles. Photos by Andrea Annaloro.
New Murals by DALeast -New Energy!
It’s impossible to mistake any piece by Chinese muralist DALeast as belonging to any other artist. His signature style involves a delicate interplay of unraveling ribbon-like lines that form his animalistic and human forms. The tigers, birds, deer and people he depicts are already bursting with motion, but the added line work seems to create an elevated sense of energy, as if the figure itself is about to explode.
Above is a collection of work over the last year or so, and his most recent mural (top) just popped up at Wall Therapy in Rochester, NY and is by far my favorite piece of his I’ve seen.
Car Locomotive in Lodz, Poland
Textile artist Olek has just completed work on what may be her largest piece ever, a four-car locomotive covered in crocheted technicolor camo in Lodz, Poland. The artist didn’t even stop to change out of a costume she wore at the Animal Ball in London before jumping on a plane to meet four assistants who began a four-day assault on the large train that was completed on July 19th. You may remember Olek’s work from just over a year ago here on Colossal when she crocheted an entire alligator-themed playground in São Paulo.