Friday, 28 December 2012

Greening the City : Upcycling with KaCaMa Design Lab




Of the five Hong Kong design outfits Thomas Lee shot for his CoSPACE CoCREATE video series, at least three are relevant for Core77 readers. The first is his look at KaCaMa Design Lab—that's ID'ers Kay Chan, Catherine Suen and Match Chen—on their mission to re-use post-consumer waste. To that end, they're upcycling ad banners (the real kind, not the kind you can tell Firefox to shut off) into lighting, and educating kids on why that's important:

facebook : link

Lee's video on the unusual outfit known as HK Farm is not strictly ID-related, but it's worth peeping. Ex-Londoner and creative director Michael Leung spent the summer of 2011 working Brooklyn Grange, the world's largest rooftop farm; now relocated, Leung is seeking to export the concept to greenery-scarce Hong Kong. His co-conspirators are fellow British expat Matthew Edmonson and Norwegian expat Glenn Eugen Ellingsen.

The video for the second ID firm on Lee's list, Milk Design, was not ready at press time; but once it's ready it will go live on Stylo Vision's film page.