Saturday, 1 June 2013

Realistic 3D - painted illusions in Layers of Resin



First: watch the video. Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori paints three-dimensional goldfish using a complex process of poured resin. The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more about each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer. I really enjoy the rich depth of the pieces and the optical illusion aspect, it’s such an odd process that results in something that’s both a painting and sculptural. Wonderful.

Fukahori just closed an exhibition at ICN Gallery in London titled Goldfish Salvation, and you can see many more images via the gallery’s Facebook




Keng Lye paints these brilliant illusions of underwater animals using a technique developed by Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori: first he pours in a layer of resin, lets it dry, paints on it with acrylic paint, then pours in another layer of resin and repeats the process.

For added effect, he also adds a pebble which is incorporated into the artwork that bops above the surface to make the illusion even better. It’s incredible how much patience he has.